- Exams will open with and are due with the module. Exams will not be visible outside of the open dates and any make-up period (see the Policy on Missed Coursework).
- You will have two attempts to take each exam before the due date. Only the highest grade will be included in final grade calculations.
- Any attempts remaining at the end of the semester may be completed during the course make-up period.
- Each attempt should be your best attempt; a second attempt is available in the event of technical issues. You are free to use your second attempt with the intent of improving your grade, but you should not depend on this, as you will be given a different set of questions for the second attempt.
Intro Module Exam (not required for all classes; see Blackboard)
In courses where this assessment is required, students must complete this test with a grade of 100% in order to proceed in the course. Failing to complete it by the due date will result in being marked as having "never attended" or "stopped attending" the course and given a grade of F, per the Registrar's Office policy on non-attendance.
Module Exams (CJ 100 Fall and Spring semesters only)
- One exam per module
- To prepare for the exams, you should use the quizzes to study, along with your notes on each chapter.
- You may use the textbook, your notes, and any materials from our Blackboard course during the exam.
- You will have one hour to complete these exams.
- Be sure to close myBama before beginning the exam, as you will be kicked out of the exam when myBama automatically logs you out for inactivity.
- Questions will be in the format of multiple choice, multiple answer, labeling, matching, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, etc. There will be no essay or long-answer questions.
- Approximately 25-50 questions/items total, covering all of the material from the module (lectures, textbook, etc.).
Midterm & Final Exams
- The Midterm covers content from Modules 1-2; the Final Exam is cumulative and covers content from the entire semester.
- The lowest grade between the Midterm and the Final Exam will drop at the end of the semester (in essence, the final exam is the make-up attempt for the midterm exam).
- If you miss the midterm exam, you can simply take the final exam and the 0 for the midterm will drop.
- If you take the midterm exam and are happy with your grade, you don't have to take the final exam. The final exam will be listed as a "0" if you don't take it, but again, I will only take the highest grade, so the zero will essentially "drop" as long as you scored above a zero on the midterm.
- If you take the midterm exam and are not happy with your grade, you can take the final exam with the hopes of boosting your grade.
- I strongly advise against skipping the midterm exam with the intention of taking the final exam instead. You never know what might happen that would prevent you from taking/submitting the final exam.
- There is no midterm for split-term summer courses.
- Note: Because you will only have about 1 minute to answer each question, studying for these exams is a must; you will not be able to look up the answer for each question because you will simply not have the time.