Chapter Quizzes
- Quizzes are available throughout the semester and will close the same day and time as the final exam.
- Modules typically include at least one quiz per chapter covered in the module.
- The module quizzes are not proctored, do not required Respondus Lockdown Browser, and you may use the text, instructor-provided course materials, and your own notes when taking the quizzes. Do not copy/paste quiz questions into a web browser for answers or get answers from your classmates (but you can ask where they found an answer!).
- There are unlimited attempts allowed for the quizzes, as they are good practice for the exams. This is a hint. Take it. For what it's worth, I know the quizzes and exams are repetitive - and that's the point! In this course, I am focusing on repetition instead of rote memorization. The idea isn't for you to cram key terms and concepts into your head for the duration of the exam, only to lose it immediately after (FYI, that's how cramming works). The idea is to steadily increase your familiarity with the material over time, so that when you get to the Midterm and Final Exams, you won't have to rely so much on looking up the answers.
- The quizzes are untimed.
- Quiz questions are a mix of the following: multiple choice, multiple answer (select all that apply), true/false, matching, labeling.
- Quizzes will vary in length, depending on the number of key terms and chapter length/depth.